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Why is it important to immunize?  Vaccines protect children and adults against potentially disabling and life-threatening diseases.  Immunization has saved more than a billion lives and prevented countless illnesses and disabilities.  However, vaccine-preventable diseases are still a threat and continue to infect children and adults, resulting in hospitalizations and deaths every year.  Take the steps today to help prepare for a healthier tomorrow.  

Immunizations available for adults

Covid-19 (Pfizer & Moderna), Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, HIB, HPV-9 (Gardasil), Influenza, MenB (Bexsero), Meningococcal, MMR, PPV-20,

PCV-20, TDaP, Zoster, Varicella, Polio


Immunizations available for children

Covid-19 (Pfizer & Moderna), Hepatitis A, Hepatitis, B, HIB, HPV-9 (Gardasil), Influenza, MenB (Bexsero), Meningococcal, MMR, PCV-13, Rotavirus, DTaP, Varicella, Polio, Tdap

LRDHU is able to bill most insurances and immunizations are offered at no cost to uninsured or underinsured children.  

Prior to appointment, please print and fill out this vaccine consent form, linked below.


Director of Nursing

Wendy Frelich, RN

Benson County PH Nurse

Shelley Aabrekke, RN

Eddy County PH Nurse

Danette Schmid, RN

Pierce County PH Nurse


Ramsey County PH Nurse

Tammie Roed, RN

Kid Getting Vaccinated

Measles Outbreak Resources:


Lake Region District Health Unit

524 4th Ave NE  #9

Devils Lake, ND 58301

PHONE:   (701) 662-7040

TOLL FREE: 1-866-274-2316

FAX:  (701)-662-7097

Business Hours:

Monday - Friday

8:00AM-12:00PM & 1:00-5:00PM

*Benson, Eddy, and Pierce

may have different hours.

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